IF Real PAST (I don’t know but if it is so / like that)
Çay bittiyse yeniden yap!
Aa Cüzdanım yok, kaybettiysem boku yedim.
Kedi nerede? Bir daha kaçtıysa artık onu eve almam.
Where is the cat? If he escaped again, I wouldn't take him home anymore.
Kitabı bitirdiysen geri getir, ben de okuyacağım.
If you have finished the book, bring it back, and I also going to read it.
Dün gece uyuyamadıysan, eve git, dinlen!
If you couldn’t sleep last night, go home and have rest.
Kitabı okuduysa, konuyu biliyordur.
If he has read the book, most probably he knows the topic.
Dışarı çıkmadıysa, evde ders çalışıyordur.
If he hasn’t gone out, (most probably) he is studying at home / he must be studying at home.
Filmi izlediysen bize anlat!
If you wachted the film, tell us!
Ahmet kıyma aldıysa bu akşam köfte yaparız.
If Ahmet bought ground beef, we make meatballs tonight.
Uyanamadıysa otobusu kaçırmıştır, merak etme, yarım saate gelir.
If she couldn't wake up, she must have missed the bus, don't worry, she will come within half an hour.
Niye kızgınsın? Bir hata yaptıysam özür dilerim.
Why are you so angry? I'm sorry if I made a mistake.
Remember the verbs we use in past tense to indicate the present situation
Verbs used in past tense Adjectives or verbs in present continoues
to indicate present situation to indicate a general condition, situation
-DAn yorulmak : to get,become tired from (of) yorgun tired
-DAn bıkmak : to get,become fed up (with) bıkkın fed-up
-DAn sıkıldım : to get,become bored with (of) -
acıkmak : to get,become hungy aç hungry; greedy
susamak : to get,become thirsty -
doymak : to get,become full (of stomach) tok full; satiated
karn-(ım /ın /ı /ımız /nız /karınları) acıkmak to get,become hungy
uyku-(m /n /su /muz /nuz /ları) geldi to become, started to feel sleepy; to want to sleep
uyku-(m /n /su /muz /nuz /ları) var sleepy
The verbs we generally use in past tense to indicate the present situation and may have diffrent meaning in present contious tense *
-I özlemek to miss (to feel sad about absence of)
-DAn usanmak to be(come) fed up (with ), to weary, to have enough (of)
üşümek to be(come) cold (people)
-A üzülmek to be(come) sad,sorry (for) üzgün sad, sorry (mutsuz) sad
-A sevinmek to become happy& glad mutlu happy
-A kızmak to become angry kızgın angry
-I beğenmek* to like AND find it better the others
-DAn hoşlanmak* to like
-I sevmek* to love (a person ); to like (a thing or a place )
… hoş-(um /un /un /umuz /unuz /ların)-a gitmek* to like
*(in this case you are talking about your decision about something after a while)
anlamak to understand
-A geç kalmak to be late geç kalıyor *(will be late )
-saydı-… örnek
compare :
-DAn yorulmak : to be tired, exausted (because of work or a tiring activity ; but it doesn’t imply you want to sleep as in indo-european languages may imply)
-DAn sıkılmak : to be bored (because there is nothing to do or boring activity or person) …ing
-DAn bıkmak : to be fed up with, to be tired of, to have enough (because something started to annoy you)
uyku-m geldi : I started to feel sleepy
uyku-m var : I am sleepy
can-ım sıkıldı : I am bored, I am vexed
sıkmak : squeeze; bore, bother, depress, vex
Uykun geldiyse arabayı ben süreyim.
If you became sleepy let me/I will drive.
Acıktıysan mutfakta börek var, bugün yaptım, taze.
If you got hungry, there is a börek in the kitchen, I made it today, it's fresh.
Sevdiysen bir tabak daha vereyim. (sofrada :on dinner table )
I'll give you one more plate (of the food) if you like it.
Burada sıkıldıysan başka bir yere gidebiliriz.
If you are bored here, we can go somewhere else.
Uykun geldiyse, kahve iç.
If you become sleepy, drink coffee.
Uykusu geldiyse kahve içsin
If he become sleepy, tell him to drink coffee!
Yorulduysanız, ara verebiliriz.
If you all got tired, we can have a break.
Cümleyi anlayabildiyseniz tercüme edin!
If you all managed to understand the sentence, translate it!
Üşüdüysen içeri girelim!
Let's get in if you're cold!
Anladıysam arap olayım!
If I understood, I'll be a black arab! (I didn’t understand anything) Sorry for racism here.